Sunday, April 11, 2010

Legaspi, the Philippines finale

Anna's entry:

Well, here it is - we have reached the finale of our Philippines journey... Legaspi seemed like a natural end of the story - the city with the most perfect volcano, which never sleeps and periodically reminds of it's grandeur status by sending eruptions and smoke into the air... But, when we were there, its peaceful cone was a soothing sight. From here we will be heading out back to Malaysia; saying good-bye to the beautiful giant from the plane window was also saying good-bye to our unforgettable journey in the Philippines...

We came to this magnificent land without too many expectations, however, we left feeling enriched and rewarded beyond any best-laid plans. The gentle side of the Philippine people, amazingly beautiful nature, unbelievable encounters with the marine wildlife, and over-all feeling of the trip that went right. The images of the Philippines are striking. Even now, writing this blog entry many months later we could enjoy the vivid memories swimming with giant whale sharks around Padre Burgos, or finding solitude on the Siquijor Island of witches; waking up in the tree house on the ocean shore of San Antonio Island, or discovering tide pools on Biri Islands; a gentle smile of the old lady offering us a better seat on the motorcycle taxi, or all those numerous rides in the colorful jeepney's across so many islands... The memory line just keeps going on and on, just like the Philippines itself - thousands of islands with thousands of memories... Thank you, the Philippines for the unforgettable journey!


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