Bandung to Jakarta, Java
Anna's entry:
I must have picked up some nasty bug (I suspect it could have been around Bromo where I drank a questionable water served at one of the eateries). Normally, it takes a couple of days and my stomach clears off without any medication, but this time it was different. Five days after raging intestine, frequest runs to the toilet day and night, lack of appetite, being exhausted, I finally accepted that medication is a must. After some medical research and self-diagnose (Indonesian lab work is not to be trusted), it looked like I needed antibiotics to get whatever-was-in-my-system out. Rob went to various pharmacies in Bandung, and picked up the recommended antibiotics. Luckily, the medicine in Indonesia is cheap, and I felt a lot better within 24 hours. I still had to stay on a weekly medication course, but at least I could "hold in" the food in my stomach for more than 1 hour. And, it was great to be able to eat again!
As you probably could see in our blog, food has become one of the enjoyments in our long-term travel. Though, I must admit in some places we just eat not to be hungry, so I wouldn't really call it a culinary delight. Give me Indian food any time, but as far as intestines or other innerds delicasies go, I just have to pass. Anyway, we eventually made it to Jakarta - took a picturesque train ride from Bandung, and settled in a very basic and inexpensive hotel right in the center of Jakarta - thought it is hard to lable what exactly the center of Jakarta is... Did not like Jakarta. Part of town we were staying in had way too many obnoxious travellers (nothing like Khaosan Road in Bangkok, but still similar mentality). The city did not have a genuine hospitality we so much grew accustomed to in Kalimantan or Sulawesi (or even in Surabaya, Java). The traffic was congested, road rules and traffic signs were frequently ignored. Sidewalks were barricaded by junk. However, the public bus option to the airport was great. And, the Nationl Museum was an excellent value - decent exhibits with less than 10 cents entry fee (and no special tier prcing for foreigners which is refreshing). Food scene was OK. Jakarta was a practical last stop on Java for us, so it fulfilled it's purpose.
It has been two months traveling in Indonesia. Indonesian Borneo and Sulawesi are the friendliest places we have ever been. We were absolutely overwhelmed with a genuine hospitality and welcome. The marine life we were able to experience is one of the most exotic interactions we will remember - snorkeling with giant sea turtles and manta rays, unexpected encounters with shy reef sharks, holding in palms of our hands newly born baby sea turtles, snorkeling with millions of harmless jelly fishes. It required work and patience to get to such places, but rewards were definitely worth it. Jaw dropping rituals and breathtaking views of Toraja, how could we forget them?
What would we like to see different about Indonesia - please, please, please be kinder to the nature, no more dynamite or cyanide fishing, no more plastic bags in the ocean, less commercial fishing, more preserving. Less motorbikes, scooters, and smoking please. No more caged exotic animals for home or foreign entertainment. No more transportation cartel reap-offs. And, more education please to the disadvantaged ones.

hey, Anichka and Rob
happy to read your post :) with beautiful pictures!
i see you are having good time (with a little bit of hardships, but i'm sure it's worth the trouble... as you often say in your postings)
hope to see you soon
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