Friday, March 17, 2006

Palenque, Mexico

Anna´s entry:

The ancient city of Palenque sits like a king on a throne of jungle where plains meet mountains. Far more excavated than Tikal, it offers a different experience than most Mayan sites; and unlike other sites, nearly all temples can be climbed (my knees are all beat after all this climbing). In addition, there are a lot of open spaces and tombs inside of the buildings, and it definitely provides a different type of experience to see the temples, palaces, and sacrificial vaults from inside, it is simply awe aspiring. Palenque was first occupied around 100BC, and its prime time was around AD 600-700. As many other Mayan civilization sites, it was abandoned (which still offers a mystery of disappearance), and sat hidden by jungle for centuries. In 1773, after hearing stories about stone palaces in the jungle from Mayan hunters, a Spanish priest led a trip there. Others followed, excavations began. Up till today, the archaeologists are still excavating, and unveiling a few more mysteries about the Maya.


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