Tuesday, March 07, 2006

La Fortuna & Volcan Arenal, Costa Rica - PHOTO

Anna´s entry:

We stayed in La Fortuna for one night - too touristy for us... However, La Fortuna is the nearest village to the spectacular Volcano Arenal, which we were hoping to visit as one of the highlights of the trip. The volcano was dormant until 1968 when huge explosions triggered lava flows that killed nearly 80 people. It retains its almost perfect conical shape and the degree of activity varied from week to week. We decided to take a night ride to the volcano view point, in hopes that the night would not be as cloudy, and we could have a chance to see a volcano show. Even though the volcano was only 3 km away, it still seemed pretty far away, so we had to stare really intensely, however, we got lucky, and could observe red-hot lava flowing, and incandescent rocks flying through the air. Rob took some great photos, which we are hoping to publish soon.

After La Fortuna, we head back to Liberia, after which we are returning to Nicaragua for a few days. As you probably read in our blog, we are currently, heading back North.


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