Friday, March 17, 2006

Tikal, Guatemala

Anna´s entry:

After a short stop over in Guatemala City and Coban, we were on our way to ruins of Tikal. The journey there was a typical ally-ally (hurry-hurry-yelled-by-a-bus-driver), though it wasn´t as intense as buses in Nicaragua. I must add that luckily we did not loose our luggage from the top of the van, because the driver forgot to tie it up... Two local guys who were sharing a ride with us, noticed that my backpack was half hanging off the roof, and it got caught. Then, about 20 minutes later, the same guys began yelling at the driver to stop, because they have noticed Rob´s backpack falling on the road behind us - if they did not see it, we would have lost it. It got damaged all right, but at least we have it back...

Anyway, we made it to Santa Elena, from where we took a ride to the ruins of Tikal. It was a very nice cultural experience. Imagine towering pyramids poking above the jungle´s green canopy, howler monkeys swinging through the brunches of ancient trees, brightly colored parrots darting from perch to perch, and tree frogs buzzing on the background. Maya settled here around 700 BC, and began building ceremonial structures. Around that time a powerful king named Moon Double King ascended Tikal´s throne and restored its military strength and primacy as the Mayan world´s most resplendent city. Tikal´s greatness waned around 900, part of the mysterious general collapse of lowland Mayan civilization. It felt daunting walking around these former plazas, acropolis, and climbing tall temples. Views from the top of the temples were awesome! More escavations are still taking place by archaeologists of Tikal, and more history is still being discovered at the moment about a mysterious Mayan world...


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