Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hong Kong

Anna's entry:

Well, here it is - the last stop of the most recent journey in SE Asia... Normally, I'd give the synopsis of the destination, however, this time instead of writing about funky and unusual world of Chungking mansions ( or the modern miracle of Hong Kong, I would rather contemplate on the past journey.

Starting in the remote Borneo region of Malaysia and Indonesia almost six months ago, continuing on to the mysterious rituals of Sulawesi, climbing up the volcanoes of Java, re-uniting with modern comforts of Singapore, being mesmerized by the Visayas of the Philippines, returning back to the hospitable Malaysia, finding peace in the Ko Torutao Islands of Thailand - how could one summarize six months of the national-geographic-like-action in a few sentences? The journey has never been easy, however, it has been ultimately rewarding. The memories of swimming with the magnificent whale sharks and giant sea turtles, snorkeling in the stormy ocean with gracious manta rays and holding in a hand a newly born sea turtle, being fascinated with the fascinating burial rituals and rejuvenated by diversity of the nature and human spirit... The experiences overcome the challenges and doubts, it pushes you to learn more about yourself and appreciate things that are normally taken for granted. The past travels also taught me that recognizing one's own weaknesses could be the very strength in itself. At the end of the journey we frequently ask ourselves will we ever do it again? And, most always, the answer is - Yes.


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