Saturday, January 14, 2006

Synopsis Guatemala-Honduras

Anna´s entry

DESTINATIONS VISITED - Guatemala - Guatemala City, Antigua --- Honduras - Copan Ruinas, La Ceiba, Roatan Island, Tegucigalpa.

BEST NEW ADVENTURE - scuba diving, Roatan Island, Honduras. Absolutely unforgettable experience!

MOST IMPORTANT NEW EXPEREINCE- studying Spanish in Antigua, Guatemala. Ability to speak the language brought a new opportunity for cultural learning.

NEW CULTURAL DISCOVERY- Mayan ruins in Copan, Honduras.

MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE - visiting nursing home in Guatemala City.

LEAST FAVOURITE DISCOVERY - seeing lots of very young children - as young as 6 years old - having to work or beg for money, or both, instead of attending a school. We learnt that at least 50% of population in Guatemala are unable to read or write, in addition there is no compulsory education for kids, and often families take advantage of child labor.


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