Friday, November 18, 2005

Guadalajara, Mexico

Anna´s entry:

We've been in Guadalajara, Jalisco for 4 days. The city is the second largest in Mexico with population of 8 million people. The city gives a dubious impression. On one hand, the architecture and history aremagnificent- Plaza de la Liberacion along with the 17th century cathedrals, numerous fountains, open air concerts, and friendly locals make the city a welcoming and beautiful place. On the other hand, pollution and noise are horrendous, and after several days, we took a retreat trip away from the city- to Lago Chapala (Lake Chapala). When we returned back, we could feel the contrast right away. In some ways, Guadalajara´s busy life style may be compared to New York with a European-Mexican touch. Overall we enjoyed this stop, and were able to catch up with a few practical items. We also planned our next week- tomorrow we are heading out to the Pacific side! Manana vamos a Puerto Vallarta y Melaque. ;)

Metropolitian cathedral, 17th century located on one of the numerous squares in Guadalajara

Plaza de Armas- Downtown with iron pavillion specially brought from Paris in the last century.

Palacio de Gobierno (Government Palace) 18th century.

Plaza de la Liberacion- Downtown square where many locals spend their afternoons.

Lake Chapala- A contast to Guadalajara.


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